I'm not nearly as articulate as my dear friend Lobo. I will let his words speak.
I get distracted by thoughts of rowdy broads. They're the greatest type of human beings I know. And youse women know who you are!! Blessed be the rowdy broads, for they'll save us all from the insanest of the insanity. All of y'all who ain't rowdy broads, youse guys are fortunate to know some, whether or not you're aware of it. Thank a rowdy broad for all she does every chance ya get. They EARN our gratitude in so many ways--
“Rowdy broad” is a term I use for strong wonderful women for whom I have the utmost respect and admiration. My grandmother was the original rowdy broad in my life. My mama is still a great rowdy broad. Most of the women I met at Camp Casey and at events in Washington, D.C. and other places are rowdy broads. Why? They take action and get shit done!
Rowdy broads are definitely individual singular people. Yet, they have certain attributes in common. They all have compassion, courage, altruistic motives, innate wisdom and strong Spirits. I love rowdy broads. All through history, rowdy broads have made major contributions to all positive changes.
One example of the far ranging impact: Rowdy broads from the nations of the Oneida, Mohawk, Seneca, Cayusa and Onondago united to end constant warfare and cause the formation of the Iroquois Confederacy. This confederacy was over 300 years old when Jefferson, Franklin and others studied its 3 branches of government to form the basis for our Executive, Legislative and Judiciary. A big part of ending the warfare was a sex strike. Thus, they also originated the concept which today is known as “Make love, not war”!
2 of only 4 (former) military officers I willingly and proudly salute are rowdy broads. All rowdy broads are Earth Mothers to me, though some are personally childless. Creating and sustaining a peaceful environment/society on any scale has always been matriarchal.
In the last few years I have had the honor and privilege to work with some incredibly rowdy broads. My relationships with them vary; mother, daughter, sister, friend. I still hope to marry one.
I applaud the rowdy broad as the ultimate status of womanhood a person of the female persuasion can attain. You are beautiful.
Walk In Beauty and PEACE Lobo
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