Friday, October 10, 2008

Stop Loss, The Movie, The Policy and The Troops

Last night, I went with friends to watch the film Stop Loss as part of the DC Labor Film Series. Our friend, Adam Kokesh, of IVAW was scheduled to speak afterwards and we wanted to support him and the film series. I had heard from folks who saw the film in the theaters that it was disappointing and missed the mark.

The idea that our country makes an agreement with it's soldiers only to renege on that agreement is infuriating. So many of our young soldiers have been through so much by the time their enlistment has ended and still the country sends them back until they are dead or used up. I run into people all the time who oppose my protesting the war. They are always under the impression that the troops and the veterans are being treated great. This film, however flawed, is a vehicle for bringing information to the masses.

The battle scenes were realistic and the movie did touch on many of the issues facing the veterans I've met. It was tough to watch. I've come to care so much for so many of the young vets I've met that it was hard not to personalize the movie.

The ending of the film had the main character returning to the Army and redeploying with his friend rather than going to Canada or Mexico. I think the movie would have done much for those being stop lossed if it had shown the character choosing to resist the redeployment. Adam felt that the ending was unrealistic considering how far the character had gone to escape the stop loss.

As the film ended, I was so full of emotion. I'm not a fan of war films as a rule and this one hit close to home. I could see many around me crying. I had such an urge to go and hug Adam, not just because he's a friend, but that at that moment he represented the men and women who's lives have been forever altered by this insane war.

We walked down the street and each had a shot of tequila before going home. It seemed the thing to do. Thank you to DC Labor for hosting this event.

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